January 28, 2011

My Craft Room the Supply Shop

So, I have this slight problem due to an overload of creative ideas that constantly run through my head. I purchase lots of art and crafts supplies and barely use them. I few weeks ago, I won a cash prize at work and I wanted to buy a button-making machine. I mentioned it to my husband and he said that was fine as long as I used it because I always tend to buy things that I “really need” i.e. jewelry making tools or my sewing machine, and I tend to use them only once. It's not like I don’t like what I buy after I’ve used it a few times, it’s that I get inspired by something else or discover a new art medium and I have to buy that too. Luckily, I’m a great bargain shopper and get my craft supplies for a good deal; however, it’s not a good deal when all these supplies are just sitting around, taking up space, and not being used.

In conclusion, I’ve decide to start using craft supplies and equipment I have in my craft room and stop buying stuff unless I truly do need it. That means no button-making machine. Sad face.

I’m proud to say that I am holding on strong to this commitment and finally competed a project today! I purchased a felt project kit at Barnes and Nobles a few years ago on sale (see I am a bargain shopper) and used it to make my friend Maria a soccer theme pouch. Maria loves soccer. I had the idea of making her this soccer pouch long ago and the pouch came out great especially for being the first one I’ve made. Though, I did have some trouble with the zipper. Not only did I use the felt kit but also the “Soccer is Fun” patch and a soccer button, items that were just collecting dust in my craft room. Not only am I using my supplies I’m starting projects that I’ve wanted to complete long ago. Go me!

Now, what’s next? Off to my craft room!

Oh, before I forget check out Strumpets Crumpet's Berry Cute Valentine Card Giveaway.
They're berry cute!