February 12, 2011

Gnome Pin for "Gnomeo & Juliet"

I love wearing pins at work. So, when I saw the trailer for the new animated movie, "Gnome & Juliet" I was thrilled because that meant I could wear my gardening gnome pin I got from OH MY DEER! on Etsy. The cool part is that I got the gnome pin before I even saw the trailer because it was extremely cute and I like to garden. I have a few plants I got from my dad. Any who, here's a picture of me wearing my gnome pin at work in front of the "Gnome & Juliet" poster for Sarah, especially since she posted on her blog about how much she wanted to see the movie, her blog is also named OH MY DEER! Sarah, if you are reading this, I suggest you make more gnome pins. The customers that came to watch, "Gnome & Juliet" thought it was the cutest thing!

I haven't seen the movie yet but I plan to take the kiddos, my little brother, and niece and nephew, when the movie slows down.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I know I always try.

Oh and don’t forget to sign up for my book giveaway! Tomorrow is the last day, February 13.


  1. awwwwwww this post was so great!!! you are the BEST EVER!! im so happy you wore it!! I have yet to see it too!! Im dying to see! If we only lived closer we would have to go see it together for sure!! I'm now going to take your advice and get crackin on some gnome brooches!! yay!!

  2. Sarah,
    You better get cracking on those gnome pins because my co-worker wants one too! Today, a little girl ask me, "Is our pin from Gnome and Juliet?"

  3. awwwwwww how adorableeeeeee i would have died if i heard the lil girl!!! oh and i made some tonight large ones and small ones im putting them in the shop tomorrow yay!!!

  4. I just purchased the one you put on your shop for my co-worker. Guess, I should have waited to see all of them but I got too excited!
