May 23, 2011

Ahoy Pirates!

This past weekend, May 20-22, the movie “Pirate of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” was released on the big screen and we decorated our box office pirate themed, with the help of my co-worker and a few employees. I dug out some of my Halloween decorations, my pirate flag and my Halloween netting, and the rest of the decorations we already had or purchased. Box office turned out really cool! I enjoy seeing kids' faces when they see the decorations.

We got the swords and the pirate eye patches for the employees to wear at Target, in the party section. How I love you Target.

I made myself a Captain Jack Sparrow skeleton head brooch for the movie. I tired to make the brooch resemble Jack Sparrow the best I could, from his makeup to his braided beaded bread. I haven't seen the movie yet. Have you and did you like it?

May 19, 2011

With love from, Lizette

Today, I wrote my first letter to my new and only pen pal Brittni, from With love from, Michigan blog, and to my college friend, Maria. I have boxes and baskets filled cards, stationary, and homemade envelopes. I enjoy writing letters to people. What I enjoy even more is getting one back. It beats getting a bill that’s for sure. If you would like to be my pen pal, just email me at

You can see some of my homemade envelopes in the picture above, which I keep in photo albums. I just have to flip through the photo album when trying to decided which envelope I want to use to send a particular person. I use address labels to write the address on the envelopes since there’s usually lots going on the actual envelope to write the address on. Then I seal the back of the envelope with tape.

I wanted to mail out by letters today. Unfortunately, I missed the mailman. I did receive some bills though.

May 15, 2011

Incorporating a gift into an illustrated package

I made this birthday card for my little sister for her birthday. She is having a baby but since we didn’t know what she was having I made her a yellow bow brooch instead of a blue or pink. We now know she’s having a boy! I drew and colored a present and the words, “Happy Birthday” on a white card stock. Then I insert the bow brooch onto the top of the gift drawn and held it with a piece of tape on the back.

I really like how I included my sister’s gift onto the card’s illustration. Maybe I’ll make a few cards for my Que Bownita Etsy shop and include the bows onto the cards’ designs.

I’m a big fan of packaging that incorporates the item into an illustration. Here are a few that I found:

May 7, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful, beautiful, and caring mothers! I have a few special phone calls to make to all the mommies in my life. Let’s see - to my mommy, my step mom, my mother-in-law, and my two little sisters.

This Mother’s Day, I sent out picture post cards instead of the traditional Mother’s Day cards. Above are the one’s I sent to my step mom and my mother-in-law. I thought it would be a nice surprise for them to receive a Mother’s Day postcard with a photo of their kids.

I love you Mommies!

May 4, 2011

Crafty Peep Swap Completed

My crafty peep swap partner, Brittni, from “With love from, Michigan” blog received her swap gift a few days ago and so did I. So, now I can reveal what I made for her without ruining the surprise. Reading her blog, I discovered what she likes, owls, and her occupation, teaching. Thus, I made her a hand painted owl brooch with a little crochet bag to put it in. I also made her a matching card from the doodles I made when trying to decide how to draw a cute owl. The owls are a class of students. Brittni was very happy with her swap gift, which made me happy!

My gift from Brittni was some beautiful stamped and painted cards, address labels with a camera on the side, since I enjoy taking pictures, and a pen with feathers and bells on top that she made. I too loved my swap gift. Thank you Brittni! I also made a new and my first pen pal from this swap. I plan to write Brittni monthly.

I really do enjoying doing homemade swaps. Every swap I do, I try to make it personalized to that individuals likes. If you’re interested in doing a swap with me let me know. Email me at