August 11, 2011

Vacation Series: Souvenirs

Shot glasses, magnets, key chains, postcards, pins are some of many souvenirs people get as a small token to remember their trip. My favorite souvenirs to collect are pins with the sharp little point behind it. I use to collect shot glasses but had no place to display them. I decided to collect pins of my trips instead, which was better since I’m not a big drinker. Not only are pins small but also very inexpensive, usually under $10.

I have collected pins from my museum trips (Getty and The Museum of Tolerance), from cities I have visited (San Diego and San Francisco), from plays I have gone to see (Mary Poppins and Wicked), and others have sentimental attachments (Navy pins for my siblings). Some pins are also from trips family and friends have taken and they were nice to help add to my collection.

The best part of collecting pin as souvenirs is that I can display them in a shadow box. I love using shadow boxes because they have many functions. I like how nice and organized they look behind the glass of the shadow box. They’re almost like badges of honor from my trips.

What types of souvenirs do you collect from your trips?

1 comment:

  1. I love your collection! great display and I sure brings back tons of memories every time you see it. I don't have many collections from trips . . . photographs mostly. you have inspired me now, though : )
