September 28, 2011

DIY Don’t Forget Skeleton Hand Halloween Invitations

I made these skeleton hand Halloween invitations two years ago for my “Boneyard Bash” party. They are a little time assuming but totally worth it. All my guests thought they were to die for. They even glow in the dark!

Supplies: 8 ½” x 11” Paige card stock paper, Lipton tea bags, a mug, scissors,  a stove, thin tip Sharpie/black pen, skeleton hands (from the Dollar Tree store), black ribbon, a paint brush, glow in the dark paint, and black thread.

1. Warm water in a mug in the microwave. Not too hot because then you won’t be able to hold the tea bag. Dip the Lipton tea bag in the mug and let the tea bag absorb the warm water. Pat the tea bag numerous times on one side of the paper and squeeze the tea bag to get tea drops onto the paper. This process will give your paper an old worn out look, almost like an old treasure map.

 2. After the paper has dried, tear the paper into three vertical sections with your hands. Each page should make three invitations. Using the stove and being very careful burn all the edges of your paper.

3. Using a Sharpie or a pen write out your Halloween invitation.
I wrote in cursive: The Guzman’s invite you to their “Boneyard Bash” on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 5pm. Party will be held at (your address). Shake your bones to killer beats. Spine chilling movies will be shown. Try your hand at Poker. Don’t be a bonehead and please R.S.V.P. by Oct. 23rd. Call (your name) at (your phone number). We are dying to see you.

4. Paint the outside skeleton hand with the glow in the dark paint. Let dry then tie a bow around one of the skeleton fingers. Roll the paper into a scroll, place it on the palm of the skeleton hand, and tie it onto one of the fingers with black thread.

5. Now, enjoy your Halloween Invitations! Your guests will be excited to attend your Halloween party. If you took all that time to make these to die for invitations, they can only image how fun the party will be!

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