March 29, 2012

Fancy Owl for Stitch Swap

One of my blog followers (hint, hint – Debbie) told me the other day that she keeps looking at my blog awaiting for pictures of my “Fancy Owl” which I embroidered for the Wild Olive Stitch Swap. The wait is over. Here is she!  

I hope my swapee likes it. Her motifs were owls. I designed the owl myself. 

I’m so proud of my little “Fancy Owl” embroidery with its bottom eyes, pearl (beads) necklace, and lace frame. I hated to see her go but I know she will be loved in her new home. Click here, and take a look at all the other wonderfully done stitch swap hoops. One of them out there is for me. I just know it. I’m so excited. I love happy mail.