July 20, 2013

30-Day Selfies (Self-Portrait) Challenge: Day 4 & 5

7/19: I woke up late because I was up ‘til 3:30 am the night before. It was inventory night at the theater. I barely had time to check my email, favorite blogs, etc and get ready for work. While doing my makeup, I realized I still needed to snap a photo of myself for the day. I pointed the camera to my vanity makeup mirror while applying mascara.

7/18: Morning breakfast. Sipping the milk left from my cereal.

I forgot to mention that the camera I use is an oldie; it’s a Kodak Easy Share C875, 8.0-mega-pixel digit camera. I’m hoping my fireman and I will purchase a new one for our anniversary. Any suggestions?


  1. Ahem.....that's not what I'd call sipping!
    It's gulping.....the best of forms for getting your milk from your cereal bowl.
    Love it!

  2. Very true Patti! Very true! But if I call it gulping does it make me less of a lady? Maybe as long as I don't do it in public.
