May 31, 2016

Pinterest Cooking Academy: Beet Bread Recipe

My husband and I have never been beet eaters until Lily was born and I was going down the list of homemade baby food to make for her. I also didn’t cook much until she came along. But now, we love beets; this year we grew them in our garden. My firefighter pulled out the beets that actually took on Wednesday, May 1st from our garden. I cleaned them and prepped them and headed to Pinterest to see what I could make with them. 

I’ve made beet pesto pizza, beet muffins, beet apple sauce, beet hash, and beet bread that I will share with you today. I decided to make beet bread when I realized I still had pureed beets in the refrigerator and I didn’t want them going bad. Well, I doubt they would have gone bad. Lily loves eating beets even if nothing else is mixed in with them. See…

She asks for beets by name.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to save the beets for a beet vegan burger recipe, which I still haven’t tired, or the beet bread. I decided on the beet bread since I had my firefighter purchase cream cheese just in case I decided to make the bread. Late Saturday night on May 21st, I pulled up the Beet Bread With Cream Cheese And Dill Swirl recipe by I had pinned on my Pinterest board and gave it a go. 

The only changes I made to the recipe was the fresh copped dill. I didn’t have any. I used dried instead, which we dehydrated last year from our garden. I look up on the “google machine” as my firefighter calls it, to see how you convert fresh dill to dry dill in recipes. I used one teaspoon of dried dill for one tablespoon of fresh dill. Danguole, the author of the beet bread recipe, suggested to add more cream cheese if desired. I went against it, trying to be good and not add any more than what the recipe originally suggested. Maybe, next time, I won’t be as good though. 

The beet bread was delicious, especially with the swirl of warm cream cheese inside. I split the bread in half, putting half in the refrigerator and half in the freezer. I’ve had a slice of beet bread on the side with my daily sautéed breakfast veggies and two over-easy eggs. You can't beat the extra veggies! I can't wait to try it along side with some warm soup.

Next, I hope to try a beet vegan burger recipe. I also plan to share the recipes I used for my beet pesto pizza, muffins, and apple sauce soon. Most of these recipes I found on Pinterest or what I like to call Pinterest Cooking Academy. I honestly wouldn’t know what I would do without Pinterest, especially when it comes to cooking for my family.

If you have any beet recipes you love, please do share.

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