February 6, 2012

My 30th Birthday

On Groundhog’s Day, Thursday, February 2nd was my 30th birthday. Even though I had to go to my Phlebotomy class early in the morning and go to the doctors' for a student physical, my day turned out wonderful! My husband and I usually treat each other to an expensive dinner at a restaurant for our birthdays but this year he decided to make me a delicious three-course dinner instead, appetizer, salad, and a rack of lamb dinner. Poor thing was salving way in the kitchen all day. The whole meal turned out great and the food looked like it would have been made in an expensive restaurant.
 For dessert we had carrot birthday cake that I bought for myself. Yes, you read that right; I bought it for myself. I knew my husband wouldn’t buy me one and I wanted cake for my birthday so I got myself one. We ended the night watching a scary movie, “Quarantine 2: Terminal” on Netflix.
At work the next day, my co-worker Anne surprised me with a birthday cake made out of cupcakes. The cake reminded me of the movie “Up,” one of my favorite animated films by the way. My staff sang me “Happy Birthday.” Anne also got my balloons and a pink sock monkey.
Guess turning 30 wasn’t too bad after all.


  1. There is nothing better than a man who cooks! And it's even better when he is a good cook - looks like you have a winner! You should be receiving your package this week!
    Happy birthday again - looks like you had a wonderful day!

  2. OHHHHHHH THAT FOOD LOOKS SO GOOD. Is that sauteed shrimp on some buttered bread? *drooooooooooooools*

  3. Happy belated birthday! How was Quarantine 2? Have you seen REC & REC 2? REC is the Spanish original that Quarantine was based off of. I haven't seen Quarantine 2 yet but I love the RECs & the first Quarantine. It's such a creepy and realistic story!

  4. OMG I LOVE REC 1 and REC 2. I love when they jumped into that first person perspective. I heard quarantine 2 does not follow REC2, and they actually made a different story.

  5. Quarantine 2 was good. I found myself yelling at the TV. Yes, I saw the Spanish version. My husband and I are big fans of scary movies.

    1. I strongly recommend this. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1465522/

      might still be on netflix if you have it.
