February 9, 2012

Because I Love My Readers

If some of you recall my blog celebrated it’s first birthday/anniversary in January and I had an anniversary gift contest for all my followers, which Jen won. I decided to give a reader a gift for giving me the gift of following my blog. I promised I would make the winner a gift made especially for them. I went onto Jen’s blog, Skinned Knees and read all her posts to get to know her. “Skinned Knees” is a very inspiration blog, “about promoting positive body image, eating disorder recovery, sex-positivity, and feminism.” Jen is a very beautiful, strong, and brave woman to share her ups and downs as she struggles with her own body image, in return teaching her readers to love themselves for who they are.

This is what I made Jen, a hand painted feel good brooch/ornament. Everything about the brooch was inspirited by her life.

I was glad to hear that Jen loved her brooch so much. The brooch, which I titled, “Beautiful You” was made with so much love because I love my readers!

Update:  Jen wrote a post, Some Well-Deserved Love, about her brooch, check it out!