July 9, 2012

Artist Swap: What I Received and Thank You

My partner for the Artist Swap, Emily, took on two partners for the swap since we were an uneven number, if you recall me saying. Chris, Emily’s other partner, received his swap gift before me and as he praised Emily’s craftsmanship it only made the anticipation of what I might be getting even greater.
Well, I was not disappointed. I received this beautiful mosaic frame inspired by Emily’s and my favorite artist Frida Kahlo. I opened it when I arrived from work and it was the perfect ending to a long tiring day. I am blown away on how beautiful this frame is. When I opened the large bubble envelope the frame came in I immediately showed it to my husband and said, “Look what I got from my swap partner! Isn’t it amazing?” He agreed. I walked around the house with it trying to decide where I would like to hang it. I’m not sure where yet but when I have my Frida Kahlo party, which I really want to through, a group picture of my guests and me dressed up as Frida will be going in the frame.

Emily also has an Etsy shop, click here to see her other wonderfully made ceramic pieces.

I want to thank everyone who participated in this small but mighty Artist Swap. The artwork created  inspired by other people’s favorite artists was unique, exciting, and wonderful to see. Also a BIG thanks you to Emily. We, Emily and I, put this Artist Swap together. Though we have never met in person we both made this swap possible through numerous emails. Thanks Emily for letting me put this great swap together with you.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you like it! It was so much fun to make. Really looking forward to do another swap soon!
