March 10, 2017

Friday Frida Favs: Frida Kahlo Gift to Emily

To celebrate the success of Emily and my first Viva La Frida Swap in 2016, through Bee Creative Swaps, I made Emily a Frida Kahlo skull embroidery hoop, a pair of spool earrings, and I purchased a Diego and Frida t-shirt from Etsy. I had been wanting to make Emily the embroidery hoop for some time and this was the perfect occasion to finally get off my butt and get it done. Plus, during this time my daughter was in bed by 6:30 pm and I had some time to sit outside, relax, and embroider before the sun went down. 

I love Day of the Dead and Mexican themed fabric and I own a decent stash of Day of the Dead skull fabric. This particular Day of the Dead fabric is one of my favorite and I have used it for many projects. I embroidered the skull to look like Frida with flowers in her hair, her unibrow, and wearing her hand shaped earrings that we a gift from Picasso. I decided to add the hand with the banner because I had seen this in one of Frida’s paintings. I embroidered, “Viva La Frida” on the banner which is also the name of our Frida swap. Below are some progress pictures I took while making the Frida embroidery hoop.

In 2016, Emily was sewing a lot. She was making dolls, quilts, etc. The girl was on a roll. I thought the spool earrings were the perfect extra gift to send her. I made them in her favorite color, purple.

The Diego and Frida t-shirt was actually purchased from one of the Etsy sellers I had figured on “My Frida Wish List on Etsy” blog post in 2016. You can check out this year Frida Wish List on Etsy by clicking here. The seller is Mis Noples Art. I own a Diego and Frida t-shirt just like this one but in a darker shade and I wanted Emily to have one too. 

I always like to include a letter with packages I send, especially swap packages. I usually tell the recipient to open the letter last since in it I describe why I made or purchased what they received from me. Emily and I are a team. We work together to run Bee Creative Swaps. I consider us the two Fridas this is why I drew a doodle of two Fridas on the envelope I sent her. 

This Frida inspired package is the perfect example of what you can send your swap partner if you sign up for our Viva La Frida Swap. It has a mixture of handmade and purchased Frida goodies. I made the hoop inspired by Frida and purchased an item that helped support a small independent business, which we highly recommend when you plan to purchase Frida inspired items. However, you can send your partner a package that includes all handmade goodies or just purchased Frida Kahlo inspired goodies because Emily and I know life can get crazy at times and you may not have time to create something.

If you would like to see what other Viva La Frida Swap participants sent/received last year, check out our Instagram account here or our Bee Creative Swap Facebook page here. Better yet, if you want to join us in this years Viva La Frida swap click here to sign up. 


  1. I love getting this so much!!!! My hoop hung in my bedroom until recently when I had to pack it up to move.

    1. I'm glad you love it! I absolutely love my two Frida Kahlo ceramic art pieces you have made for me.

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