January 21, 2013

Day 11: DIY Engraved Tree Style Frame

My firefighter told me not to buy him anything for Christmas. So, I didn’t. Instead, Belle and I made him a tree style frame with hearts engraved in it. I made the frame look like a tree that had been craved with hearts, like lovers do on a tree. I carved three hearts onto the frame. They read Belle, Liz, and Chris.

In the frame, I inserted a picture of Belle and I in front of our Christmas tree that my dear friend Amanda took of us. My firefighter loves the frame and he plans to take it to work and hang it in his locker. Then, he can see his two favorite girls when he is away at work.

Here’s what I did:

Supplies Used: unfinished wooden frame (got mine at Michael’s), wood engraver, paint brush/foam brush, color of your choice wood finish, and a pencil.

Step 1: Brush your frame with the wood finish. The more layers you add the darker the frame will get. Let frame dry for one to two days.

Step 2: With your pencil, draw were you would like your hearts to go.

Step 3: Heat up your wood engraving tool. Using the universal point, trace your pencil markings over and over until it looks like the frame had been craved into.

Step 4: Insert a picture in the frame. If your frame doesn’t come with glass to protect your picture you can purchase some transparency sheets from Staples and cut it to size to protect your picture.

Belle and I hope you enjoy this tutorial. It will make a great Valentine’s Day gift for anyone special in your life, even the furry kind.

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